IDE Developer Manual

Getting Started


PHPlus IDE Workspace

Creating a new Project

     There are two ways to create a new project: Creating a new project from scrach or creating a project from an existing set of files specifying a directory.

For creating a project from scatch
1. Select Project New Project ...
2. Specify a name for the project and Press Save to create the project
This create an empty PHPPlus project with the following directory structure

Note: The framework user guide discribes which files should go into which directory

For creating a project from an existing set of files
1. Select Project Generate Project File...
2. Select the directory in which the files are found and Press Ok to create the project
This creates a project including all the files in the specified directory. The files in the project can be access througth the project files trees.

Code Editing Features

The IDE provides PHP syntax highlighting, PHP method discovery and some level of auto completion facilities.

Following explains method discovery auto completion features
Assume the file DbHandler.php defines a class named DBClient

include ('PHPLUS/database/DbHandler.php');
class WelcomePresentation extends HttpPresentation{
    private $dbHandler;
    function __construct() {
        //now after typing $this-> it should
        //show the methods and attributes in the current class and
        //the public and protected methods and attributes in the base class

        $this->dbHandler = new DBClient();

    function run() {
        //the following should display public methods in the DBClient
        //calling standard php functions
        //after typing first few letters and pressing Control + Space
        //will show all the php functions starting with what you have typed
        //pressing Control + Space preceeded by an space will show all the
        //standard php functions


        //getting help on standard php functions ...
        //Placing the cursor on a standard php function and pressing F12
        //will show the help popup for that function

        //more auto completion facilities ...
        $test = new //now pressing Control + Space will show all
        //the classes in the project
        // after defining $test and typing $test-> should show the methods
        // and attributes accessible through $test object


NOTE: Incase methods are not popped up you may manually refresh the class
through the refresh class button in the tool bar
Methods, attributes and objects are identified only when the file is saved
so make sure file is constantly saved

Using the Project Explorer

    The project explorer provides a tree view of the files and directories in the current project.
By right clicking on a directory in the project files explorer followings can be done
Add a new file to the project
Rename the directory
Import a file from outside into the project
Delete the directory(if empty)

By right clicking on a file in the project files explorer followings can be done
Rename the file
Delete and remove the file from the project

Configuring the CVS client

The IDE is provided with a CVS client. If the current project is a checkout from a CVS repository,
then the CVS client can be configured to access the CVS operations.

To configure the CVS client
1. Select Tools Configure CVS...
CVS Configuration dialog appears...


Specify the CVSROOT parameter. The path to the working copy is by default set to the current project path which you need not change.
Note that CVS client can only be configured if the current project is a checkout from CVS repository.

2. Select ok to complete the configuration
If successfull the CVS client dock window is displayed as one given below.


The meaning of each icon is described in the following diagram


Converting HTML to PHP

    Once the HTML files are created with <SPAN> tags placed where dynamic content should be inserted, they need to be converted to the PHP DOM representation. For this you have to use the Parser wizard. The PHP DOM class generated by the parser by default placed in the same directory where the HTML file resides. The PHP DOM generated will have setter methods(mutators) to set the dynamic contents. The developer is not expected to edit this PHP DOM class directly. Instead he should create a presentation class extending this PHP DOM class. See the framework user guide for further details.

To generate the PHP class from HTML
1. Select Tools Parser ...
XMLCPlus Parser Wizard appears ...

2. Select the html file(s) needed to convert
3. Press Compile
    If you haven't changed the output directory in the parser dialog, by default the corresponding PHP DOM class(es) is(are) created in the same directory where corresponding HTML file resides.

Generating Skeleton of the Presentation Class(es)

    The developer adds the dynamic content by creating a presentation class subclassing the corresponding PHP DOM class. The presentation generator wizard automates the generation of the skeleton of the presentation class.
To generate the presentation class
1. Select Tools Generate Presentation ...
Presentation Generator Wizard appears ...

2. Select the PHP DOM(s) whose presention file(s) to be created
3. Press Generate
    The corresponding Presentation class(es) is(are) generated is(are) placed in the presentation directory.

Deploying the project

    Once the web application is developed , it has to be deployed in a web server so that it can be accessed over the network. This deployment consists of copying the necessary files from the project directory into the web server's web root (i.e. the folder in which web content should lie) and creating the configuration file which is needed proper working of the web application.
    The Deployer wizard automates copying and creating configuration files. Note that the wizard can only deploy the project in a web server residing in the local machine.

To deploy the project
1. Select Tools Deployer ...
Deployer Wizard appears ...

2. Specify the following parameters
web root : The root directory of the web server
Base Directory : The directory in which the project is deployed
Default Page : The default page of the web site
Receiver File : Select the Receiver.php file (Refer framework user guide)
3. Press next and select the necessary files to be deployed
    You need to select the files and folders that are included in your project. (Need not to select HTML files)
4. Press deploy to deploy the project

Now you should be able to access the web site by specify
http://<web root>/<base directory>/Receiver.php