first of all you need to understand the concept of the phplues framework; infact
it's very simple.
phplus seperates the web page design and the application logic (which is used
to manipulate the web page).
so obviously you need 2 main components: the web page and the manipulation file
(presentation class).
1. the web page
this is a pure html page, having 'id' attributes in html tags which need to
be manipulated.
eg. <a href="" id="Link1"></a> this
link address and link text can be dynamically set in the presentation class
by refering to its id "Link1".
eg. <span id="Message1"></span> this
can be used to dynamically display text on the page.
eg. <tr id="TableRow1"> this
can be used to dynamically populate a table on the web page.
2. the Presentation Class
this is a normal php class, which implements a particular interface.each
web page you have, should have a corresponding presentation class. the filename
and the class name inside should be the same. (Tip: the simplest
way of writing this presentation class is to copy the TemplatePresentation.php
in htdocs/welcome/presentation) and modify it.)
you can manipulate the web page in anyway you want from the presentation class.
there are a lot of methods available for manipulating web pages, and they can
be found in the DomHTML API reference document.
there's one more thing we need to know. the Presentation class cannot directly manipulate the web page. so we need to first convert the web page into an intermediate file. but don't worry; it can be directly generated using the xmlcplus tool (parser) that comes with the framework. It's done like this;
# xmlcplus mywebpage.htm will generate the intermediate file "mywebpageHTML.php"
You can get a better understanding of the workflow in PHPlus by looking at this diagram -> PHPlus-WorkFlow
now lets see how to put all these pieces together to make an application.
the simplest way to understand this is to take a look at the sample 'welcome'
project. (in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/welcome). you need to understand the
important files and directories that make up a web application in phplus framework.
( assume your apache web-root is /usr/local/apache2/htdocs )
application home | eg. htdocs/welcome | This is the application home. your applications should have something like htdocs/myapp1. |
'resources' directory | eg. welcome/resources | This folder should have all the files generated by the xmlcplus parser . (these files will be something like mywebpageHTML.php) |
'presentation' directory | eg. welcome/presentation | This folder shold have the presentation files (php files in whcih you write your application logic). you can find a template presentation file (TemplatePresentation.php) in welcome/presentaion directory. |
receiver.php | eg. welcome/receiver.php | This file is the main controller of any application. (you need to have this in the home path of every application you write) | | eg. welcome/ | this configuration file stores details about the framework path, appplication path, default web page etc. you need to set the correct path info here. |
having got the basic idea of the sample 'welcome' application, lets try to
run it.
type http://localhost/welcome/receiver.php
in your web browser. you should see the welcome page (hopefully..).
(refresh the browser to see the time on the page change dynamically.)
1. web page links
all links to other pages of the application should be in the form
receiver.php?page=MySecondPage --
when there exists a presentation class named "MySecondPage.php".
eg. <a href="receiver.php?page=MySecondPage">go
to second page</a>
2. images or javascript (or any other) folders
all source links on web pages should be relative to the application
home directory.
eg. <img src="images/mypic1.jpg"> --
mypic1.jpg should be in <application-home>/images/mypic1.jpg
eg. <script src="scripts/rollover.js">
-- rollover.js should be in <application-home>/scripts/rollover.js
3. web forms
some special actions are needed when using web forms. They are as follows;
* always set the 'action' attribute of web forms to 'receiver.php'.
* always add a hidden 'INPUT' tag with name='page' and value='your-target-presentation-class'
(also it is recommended that all web forms use the "POST" method.)
eg. <form name="MyForm1" action="receiver.php"
type="hidden" name="page" value="ProcessForm">
.... ....
.... ....
(where "ProcessForm.php" presentation class is the target of the web